Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My first eagle!!!

He or she was watching for a meal on Carnegie Lake in Princeton. The eagle was pretty far away so I sharpened the photo using Photoshop.

Just as Walt finished setting up his camera and tripod, the eagle flew away!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

OK - So this isn't a blurry bird....

But I thought that you would like to see the results of a 1/2 day Mindfulness Meditation session - part of the program at the Penn Program for Stress Management (PPSM).

The following is a screenshot from my Nintendo Wii Fit system. Each day I weigh myself and check my balance using the Wii Fit.

I have never been perfectly centered before!

Imagine how more centered I could be if I attended the afternoon session as well as just the morning session!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Blurry Birds at Sandy Hook

This past weekend, Walt and I took a 2 hour ride to Sandy Hook National Park, along the NJ Shore. During the summer, the park is filled with fishermen, families and nude sunbathers (yes, NJ has a nude beach!).

During the winter, we had hoped that the area was filled with migrating birds. We did find a few Canadian Geese, Great Blue Herons, egrets and various small birds.

Here I am stalking some kind of geese. Walt took the photo - the birds are out of focus and I am out of focus! But the grass is in focus. In all fairness to Walt, he just purchased a new 500mm lens and this was the first day trying it out. Wait til you see the recent photos he took at Brigantine - amazing action shots of birds!

As for me, I haven't downloaded my photos to the computer yet. I do have some blurry birds to post.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Blurry Birds at Core Creek

Walt and I visited Core Creek Park, near Newtown, PA, today. A few birds - just enough for me to take some blurry photos.

Here's a hairy woodpecker. Lesson learned: always set up the camera before heading out in the field.

Another lesson: it's tough to use automatic focus in wooded areas. The camera may not focus on what you want it to.

Here's someone who didn't want his/her photo taken. I'm guessing that it belongs to the Warbler family.

I finally did have some luck with taking photos in the woods - although now Walt is blurry!! In all fairness, I just aimed the camera over my shoulder.

After the Park, we headed towards New Hope, PA. Stopped along the side of the road when we saw egrets and herons. I managed to take a non-blurry photo!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Welcome to the Blurry Bird blog!

I'm slowly learning how to use my new camera. All of my life, I've either had point and shoot cameras or sophisticated cameras which I set on "P" (Programmed).

Now comes the challenge of learning about f-stops, shutter speeds and the myriad of settings I can select.

Onward and upward we go!